The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) is under fire for not addressing a significant audit that revealed ₹400 crore in irregularities. Despite multiple reminders and warnings from the central government, PMC has failed to provide an explanation for the discrepancies.

The audit focused on PMC’s property and asset management, uncovering major irregularities that could impact the corporation’s financial integrity. Despite receiving formal notices and reminders, PMC has yet to respond to the findings.

Advocacy groups like Sajag Nagrik Manch have criticized PMC for its inaction, highlighting the need for accountability and transparency in managing public finances. The lack of response raises questions about PMC’s efficiency and ability to address financial discrepancies.

As pressure mounts on PMC to address the audit findings, citizens are looking for concrete actions to ensure that the irregularities are rectified and proper measures are put in place to prevent such issues in the future.

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