- Another day, another case of fraud in Pune! Ganesh Dinesh Baliga was left red-faced after a company employee, Shubham Parshuram Rastekar, allegedly swindled ₹2 lakh from him. Looks like the employee had other plans when entrusted with depositing a self-signed cheque. Yikes!
- And the plot thickens with a cheating case filed against Nitin Anil Khadse and his wife Ruchita. The couple is accused of duping investors of a whopping ₹20.35 lakh between 2018 and November 30. Promising higher returns, they managed to lure in Ranjit Kalapure and his family members. The promise of returns turned out to be empty, leaving the investors high and dry.
- Cyber fraud seems to be on the rise in Pune, with cases like these popping up. It’s a stark reminder for all of us to stay alert while dealing with online transactions or investment schemes. Better safe than sorry, folks! Stay vigilant out there.
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