Shivajinagar was shaken up on Sunday when two men were arrested for a wild cab robbery spree that ended in chaos. Mustafa Shafiq Qureshi and Siddhant Chavan were the culprits behind the mayhem, stealing a cab from driver Akshay Kale and causing multiple accidents as they drove recklessly through the city.

The duo threatened Kale and his passenger, making off with Rs 4,000 and the cab keys before speeding off towards Shivajinagar. Along the way, they collided with a pedestrian on the highway, hit two autorickshaws near COEP Chowk flyover, and finally crashed into a car at Sancheti Hospital Chowk.

Their joyride came to a screeching halt at Sancheti Hospital Chowk as they got stuck in traffic. While Chavan managed to escape, Qureshi was apprehended by the police. Both men have a history of violence and the incident left the pedestrian and autorickshaw drivers with minor injuries.

After Qureshi’s arrest, Chavan was also tracked down and taken into custody. The chaotic events of that afternoon left the residents of Shivajinagar in shock and disbelief.

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