Laxmi Road in Pune is set to undergo a transformation on December 11 as the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) celebrates its fourth annual Pedestrian Day. The bustling street will be closed to vehicles from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM, creating a pedestrian-only zone between Kunte Chowk and Garud Ganpati Chowk.

Citizens are encouraged to use alternate transportation methods on the day, such as walking or using public transport. Special metro-linked bicycles will be available from key locations, and extra bus services will be provided by PMPML for easy access to the event.

A range of activities have been organized for the day, including Happy Street Games, a Road Safety Workshop for Children, and a Sensitization Workshop on Accessibility for Differently-Abled Citizens. There will also be a Road Safety Artwork Exhibition, a Panel Discussion on Public Transport and Urban Development, and a Street Design Exhibition showcasing initiatives to improve pedestrian infrastructure.

Live music and performances, a Rangoli Art Display, and an Air Quality Testing Display will also be featured at the event. Citizens are invited to join in the celebrations and help promote clean, safe, and accessible pedestrian infrastructure in Pune.

The Pedestrian Day celebration aims to raise awareness about pedestrian rights and safety, with a special focus on children, senior citizens, women, and differently-abled individuals. It highlights the importance of pedestrian-friendly infrastructure in urban development and encourages residents to participate in making Pune a more walkable city.

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