The ongoing Pune Metro construction has become a headache for commuters in the city, with traffic congestion reaching new heights. Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar has stepped in to address the issue and has instructed the Metro administration to speed up their projects within the next three months.
A meeting was held between Pune Police and Metro officials to discuss the situation, with Commissioner Kumar stressing the need to fast-track construction to ease traffic in key areas. The Shivajinagar-Hinjawadi Metro route near Range Hills has been a major problem area, causing delays and inconvenience since August 29, 2023.
Officials like Additional Commissioner of Police Manoj Patil and Deputy Commissioner of Police Amol Zende were present at the meeting, along with metro representatives. The focus was on finding ways to minimize disruptions and streamline the construction process.
With the police getting involved and the metro administration committing to expedite their work, residents are hopeful that the traffic situation will improve in the coming months.
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