Ruby Hall Clinic in Pune recently made headlines for performing a groundbreaking robotic-assisted surgery to save a 65-year-old woman from a complex hernia. The patient, who was suffering from severe pain and discomfort, also had underlying medical conditions like asthma, hypertension, and diabetes, which posed additional risks during the surgery.
The case was particularly challenging due to the patient’s age, high BMI, and history of multiple C-sections, which had weakened her abdominal muscles. To address these challenges, the surgical team used the da Vinci robotic system, known for its precision and minimally invasive approach.
Before the surgery, the patient underwent extensive preoperative preparation, which included managing her blood sugar levels, optimizing her respiratory health, providing dietary guidance, and addressing other health concerns like urinary and constipation issues. This multidisciplinary approach was crucial in ensuring the patient’s health was optimal for the surgery.
During the surgical procedure, the robotic system allowed the surgical team to correct multiple hernias and repair the weakened abdominal muscles through small incisions, reducing trauma and recovery time. The patient was able to walk within hours after the surgery and was discharged within 48 hours, experiencing minimal pain and tolerating a full diet.
The benefits of robotic-assisted surgery highlighted by Dr. Kulkarni included enhanced precision, a minimally invasive approach, and superior surgical outcomes, even in complex cases. He also emphasized the importance of abdominal muscle health in preventing hernias, especially in women, recommending core strengthening exercises during different life stages.
The patient expressed her gratitude towards Dr. Kulkarni and his team for their support and for explaining the benefits of robotic-assisted surgery, which gave her the confidence to proceed with the procedure. She mentioned that the approach significantly reduced the chances of recurrence and helped her recover quickly.
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