Deutsche Bank and The Akshaya Patra Foundation have joined forces to combat classroom hunger by breaking ground on a state-of-the-art kitchen in Shivajinagar, Pune. This new facility, set to be operational by early 2026, will serve over 25,000 hot, nutritious meals daily to students in government and government-aided schools across Pune.
The kitchen, designed to meet the highest hygiene and safety standards, will not only focus on nutrition but also contribute to economic development in the region. The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by senior representatives from Deutsche Bank, The Akshaya Patra Foundation, and the Pune Government.
Mr. Kaushik Shaparia, CEO of Deutsche Bank Group, India, highlighted the importance of collaboration for social impact, emphasizing the bank’s commitment to addressing hunger and education. Mr. Shridhar Venkat, CEO of The Akshaya Patra Foundation, expressed gratitude for Deutsche Bank’s support over the years, stating that the new kitchen will allow them to serve nutritious meals to thousands of students daily.
Since 2014, Deutsche Bank has supported Akshaya Patra’s mission, providing over 8 crore meals to children in cities like Jaipur, Bengaluru, and Pune. The Pune kitchen is a critical step in scaling Akshaya Patra’s Mid-Day Meal Programme in Maharashtra, ensuring more children have access to education and proper nutrition.
This initiative aims to address hunger and education, improve the health and well-being of marginalized children, and contribute to economic development in the community. The partnership between Deutsche Bank and Akshaya Patra continues to foster long-term, sustainable change across India, extending support to additional students in cities like Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad.
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