Former BJP corporator Uday Joshi and his son, Mayuresh Joshi, have landed in hot water after being accused of defrauding citizens of nearly 1 crore 79 lakh rupees. The father-son duo allegedly took deposits from unsuspecting individuals with the promise of higher returns, only to disappear with the money.

The scam came to light when a complaint was lodged against Uday and Mayuresh at Vishrambaug Police Station. It was revealed that the accused ran a gas agency and used it as a front to dupe people into investing in their fraudulent scheme. In one instance, they cheated nine individuals, including a contractor, out of Rs 5 crore.

Additionally, Uday Joshi also operated Ninad Urban Cooperative Credit Society, where he collected deposits from numerous individuals by offering them attractive interest rates. However, when it came time to return the deposits totaling 1 crore 79 lakh rupees, the accused failed to do so, prompting victims to file complaints of cheating against them.

One of the victims, Pratibha Vilas Panse, a 78-year-old resident of Shobha Nagar Society, Sahakar Nagar, recounted how she and her husband fell prey to Uday Joshi’s deceptive tactics. Panse, who trusted the accused due to their acquaintance, was promised higher returns on their deposits compared to traditional banks. However, when they tried to retrieve their money, they were turned away from the credit society.

Following Panse’s complaint, Assistant Police Inspector Pandurang Waghmare took action and arrested Uday Joshi with the guidance of Senior Police Inspector Vijaymala Pawar. The case serves as a cautionary tale for individuals to be wary of investment schemes that sound too good to be true.

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