In a David vs Goliath battle, resident Dilip Gade of Prime Plus CHS society in Pimple Saudagar, Pune, has emerged victorious in his fight against the unfair maintenance charges levied by the society. The society had been charging maintenance fees based on square footage, a practice that Gade found to be in violation of government guidelines that mandate unit-based charging.

Thanks to Gade’s persistence and advocacy, the Deputy Registrar of Pimpri Chinchwad has ruled in his favor, directing the society to adopt unit-based maintenance fee calculations. This decision not only sets a precedent for other societies but also highlights the power of residents to challenge unjust practices and seek justice.

The society has now begun the process of recalculating maintenance charges and is set to hold a meeting to finalize the new amounts. This case underscores the importance of transparency in housing society management and the need for residents to stand up for their rights.

Dilip Gade’s victory is a win for all residents, as it demonstrates the impact of individual activism and the role of government authorities in ensuring fairness and accountability in housing societies. This case serves as a reminder to societies to adhere to government guidelines and prioritize equity among members.

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