Kalyani Nagar in Pune is once again in the news as two restaurants have been caught operating beyond the permitted hours and playing loud music. The latest incident involved nearly 80 people at the venues, with the sound systems blaring. The owners of both restaurants now face a case registered against them at Yerawada Police Station, thanks to Police Constable Praveen Khatmode.
The crackdown came after a raid on Thursday night at one of the restaurants in Kalyani Nagar. Police found a sound system being used without a permit, with 48 people inside the establishment at the time. Another raid at a different restaurant uncovered 25 to 30 people present, leading to action being taken against the establishment for flouting the rules.
This recent development comes in the wake of increased scrutiny on establishments operating past legal hours in Pune, following the Kalyani Nagar hit-and-run case. Pune Police and the Maharashtra State Excise Department had previously shut down over 20 pubs in the area, but it seems that the restaurant and pub culture in Kalyani Nagar has bounced back quickly.
Residents of Kalyani Nagar have voiced their concerns about the disturbances caused by these establishments staying open late. Despite previous police actions, such incidents continue to happen, impacting the quality of life for those living in the area. The authorities will need to stay vigilant to ensure that such violations are kept in check.
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