As the festive season approaches, the State Excise Department in Pune has made a significant bust. Two individuals were caught red-handed repackaging low-quality liquor as premium scotch whiskey. The suspects, Dhanaji Jetha Patel and auto driver Babasaheb Shivaji Dhaktode, were intercepted in Chinchwad with 24 bottles of fake scotch whiskey disguised in premium brand bottles.

Further investigation led officials to Marunji village, where the fake liquor was sourced. A raid on Patel’s residence uncovered a stash of 18 sealed bottles of premium scotch whiskey, 110 empty branded bottles, and materials used for repackaging. The total value of the seized goods, along with a motorcycle and auto-rickshaw, amounted to nearly ₹6 lakh.

State Excise Superintendent Charan Singh Rajput confirmed that Patel was filling low-quality liquor into branded bottles and selling them as premium scotch. Authorities suspect he may have ties to a larger illegal network outside Maharashtra. The department warned the public about the dangers of consuming counterfeit alcohol, especially during the upcoming holiday season.

Residents were advised to purchase liquor only from licensed sellers and report any suspicious activities related to illicit alcohol. The State Excise Department provided helpline numbers and urged citizens to report illegal liquor activities promptly. With increased vigilance during the festive season, authorities are determined to crack down on the illegal liquor trade and ensure public safety.

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