Sahakar Nagar was rocked by a shocking case of cyber fraud recently, as a senior citizen fell victim to a scam. The unsuspecting individual received a call from someone claiming to be from the CBI, alleging that their son was involved in a serious crime. The fraudsters threatened legal action and demanded a hefty sum of Rs 2.5 lakh to avoid arrest.

Panicked and fearing for the safety of their family, the senior citizen complied with the demands and transferred the money. It was only after the transaction was completed that they realized they had been tricked. The victim wasted no time in reporting the incident to the Sahakar Nagar Police Station, seeking justice for the crime committed against them.

The police are now actively investigating the case, trying to trace the culprits behind this heartless act of deception. This incident serves as a stark reminder to always be vigilant and cautious when dealing with unknown callers or online transactions. It’s essential to verify the authenticity of any claims made and never give out personal or financial information to strangers. Stay safe and stay alert, Sahakar Nagar!

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