The Pune Book Festival is gearing up to be bigger and better than ever before, with plans to become a globally recognized event. Former Higher and Technical Education Minister and Kothrud MLA, Chandrakant Patil, believes that the festival has the potential to reach the cultural significance of Pune’s iconic Ganeshotsav.

Key highlights of the festival include its global ambitions, cultural significance, increased scale, community engagement, and plans for mobile libraries and outreach programs. Actor and writer Praveen Tarde described the festival as a literary Kumbh Mela, emphasizing its role in reconnecting Punekars with their literary roots.

Organizer Rajesh Pande stressed that the festival is not just about books but also a community-driven movement that reflects Pune’s vibrant literary culture. The festival will feature stalls, exhibitions, literary activities, and support for mobile and community libraries.

As the Pune Book Festival continues to grow, it may soon become a major cultural event attracting book lovers from across the nation. The real question is whether Nagpur can replicate Pune’s success in hosting such a monumental literary event. Only time will tell if the two cities can compete for the title of Maharashtra’s literary capital.

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