The incident outside Jehangir Hospital in Pune left many shocked as a family protested the alleged refusal of the hospital to release a deceased patient’s body until a hefty bill of ₹15 lakh was paid in full. The family of the 35-year-old woman, who tragically passed away after a kidney transplant, claimed they had already exhausted their savings on her treatment and could not afford the additional amount demanded by the hospital.
As the family staged a hunger strike outside the hospital, demanding justice and the release of the body, tensions ran high. After a day-long standoff, the hospital finally relented and released the body to the grieving relatives, bringing an end to the emotional ordeal.
While the hospital denied any wrongdoing and maintained that all necessary procedures were followed, the family’s anguish and frustration were palpable. This incident serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by many families in accessing and affording healthcare, highlighting the need for greater transparency and accountability in the healthcare system.
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