Swargate Police Station in Pune has cracked a high-profile temple theft case, recovering stolen gold worth ₹4.2 lakh and arresting the accused. The incident, which occurred during the Kartik Purnima celebrations on November 15, 2024, involved multiple Jain temples in the city being targeted.

The theft came to light when a resident of Poonawalla Garden, Jay Paresh Parekh, reported the theft of a gold crown and gold chain from a Jain temple in his home. There were also reports of attempted thefts at several other Jain temples in the Swargate area on the same day.

Senior Police Inspector Yuvraj Nandre acted swiftly, forming a Special Investigation Team to investigate the case. Through meticulous investigation, the team identified the suspect as Naresh Agarchand Jain, a resident of Girgaon, Mumbai, with a history of similar crimes in the region.

Jain was apprehended on December 4 in Girgaon, where he admitted to the theft and revealed his method of disguising himself as a Jain devotee to gain access to temples and steal ornaments. The stolen items, including the gold crown and gold chain, were recovered from his possession.

Further investigation revealed Jain’s criminal record, showing similar burglaries at temples in various locations across Maharashtra. The case is currently being investigated by Police Sub-Inspector Tanwade.

The successful resolution of this case was made possible under the guidance of Additional Commissioner of Police Pravin Patil, DCP Smartana Patil, and ACP Rahul Aware. The dedicated police team included Senior Police Inspector Yuvraj Nandre, Police Sub-Inspector Tanwade, and several other police personnel who worked tirelessly to solve the case.

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