Pune gears up for the grand Datta Jayanti celebration at Shri Kshetra Narayanpur in Purandar taluka, with District Collector Dr. Suhas Diwase issuing traffic diversions to ensure smooth movement for devotees. Heavy vehicles will be rerouted from Saswad to Kapurhol road from December 13 to 15, with alternate routes provided for their convenience.
Thousands of devotees are expected to flock to the temple from various states, making it essential for the authorities to manage traffic effectively. The celebrations will include vibrant festivities and darshan, attracting pilgrims from Maharashtra and beyond.
In addition to the main event, devotees also visit the Balaji Mandir in Ketkawale village, creating the need for traffic diversions to maintain public order and prevent congestion. With the administration’s proactive measures, the yatra is expected to proceed smoothly without any hiccups.
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