As stray dog populations continue to grow in Pune, the city has seen a surge in dog bite incidents, averaging around 2,000 cases per month. With over 18,000 incidents reported in the first nine months of 2024, compared to 14,073 cases in the same period in 2023, the issue has become a major concern for residents and authorities alike.
The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has been taking steps to address the problem, including sterilization and vaccination programs for stray dogs. However, challenges remain, such as ineffective population control measures and limited public awareness about how to prevent and address dog bites.
Dr. Nina Borade, Health Chief at PMC, emphasized the importance of preventive measures and public cooperation in tackling the issue. Recommendations for improvement include intensifying sterilization drives, raising public awareness, collaborating with NGOs, and implementing better reporting mechanisms.
The rise in dog bite cases underscores the need for a comprehensive approach to managing the stray dog population in Pune. By working together and implementing targeted strategies, the city can create a safer environment for all residents.
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