The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has taken a strong stance against unauthorized billboards and banners cluttering the city’s main roads. In a recent eight-day operation, the PMC’s Sky Signs Department removed a whopping 740 illegal billboards and banners, with 95 individuals facing police complaints for putting them up without permission.

Citizens had been voicing their concerns about the increasing number of oversized billboards obstructing traffic signals and cluttering prominent squares in the city. Despite previous warnings from the PMC, the issue had not been addressed promptly, leading to Municipal Commissioner Rajendra Bhosale ordering a crackdown on unauthorized signage.

During the removal campaign, fines totaling Rs 6.67 lakh were imposed on the responsible parties. The PMC had previously urged citizens to refrain from putting up illegal billboards following the assembly elections, warning of strict action under municipal laws. However, the unauthorized billboards continued to appear, prompting the PMC to take decisive action.

Deputy Commissioner of the Sky Signs Department, Prashant Thombre, assured the public that the removal campaign would continue until all illegal signage is cleared from the streets. With ongoing complaints from citizens, the PMC remains committed to keeping the city’s roads clear of unauthorized billboards and banners.

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