Hey there, Pune folks! In a shocking incident that has left the city reeling, a young woman working at a call centre in Yerawada was tragically stabbed to death by her colleague. The accused, Krishna Satyanarayan Kanoja, allegedly attacked his coworker, Shubhada Kodare, in a fit of rage over a financial dispute.
According to reports, Shubhada had borrowed a substantial amount of money from Krishna, amounting to approximately Rs 4 lakh. She had apparently misled him about the reasons for needing the money, which ultimately led to tension between the two coworkers. The situation escalated on the evening of 7th January when Krishna confronted Shubhada in the company’s parking lot and allegedly stabbed her with a Koyta.
The horrifying incident was captured on video and has since gone viral, showing Krishna standing near Shubhada’s lifeless body with the murder weapon in hand. Witnesses describe a chaotic scene as bystanders rushed to help the injured woman while apprehending the accused.
Krishna, who worked as a clerk at the call centre, has been taken into police custody until 13th January. The motive for the attack is believed to be related to the financial dispute between the two coworkers, with reports suggesting that Krishna’s own financial struggles may have played a role in the tragic turn of events.
The community is in shock over the senseless loss of Shubhada’s life, and the incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully. Our thoughts are with Shubhada’s loved ones during this difficult time. Stay safe, Pune.
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