Heartbreaking news out of Pune as a 10-year-old boy tragically lost his life in an electrocution accident while playing with his friends near his home in Vadgaon Sheri. The victim, identified as Mohit Vedkumar Chawra, was playing around 9 pm when he accidentally touched an earthing wire, resulting in the fatal incident.
The Chandan Nagar Police have registered an accidental death case and are investigating the circumstances surrounding the tragedy. Mohit’s family and friends were devastated by the sudden loss, with his father, a businessman, left to mourn the loss of his young son who was studying in Std IV.
This is the third such incident in Pune in the past month, highlighting the dangers of electrical hazards in the city. Just a month ago, a school boy lost his life after stepping into a water puddle with an electric current in Hadapsar, while a woman sanitation worker also tragically died from electric shock in Balewadi while cleaning a street.
Mahadiscom officials have visited the scene of the incident as authorities work to prevent further tragedies from occurring. Our thoughts are with the Chawra family and all those affected by this heartbreaking loss.
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