The construction boom in Pune is resulting in a large amount of dust pollution in the city. Builders who are not taking steps to reduce this pollution have been issued notices by the civic body. On the first day, 91 construction sites were stopped, and on the second day, 14 more were told to halt work.

It seems like there are a lot of ongoing constructions in Pune, leading to this issue of dust pollution. The civic body has instructed builders and architects to follow the norms set by the MPCB to reduce pollution, but many have ignored these instructions.

To crack down on this issue, civic engineers have been surveying construction sites and issuing notices to those who are not taking steps to reduce dust pollution. The notices warn that builders could face police action if they do not comply with the instructions.

While action seemed to slow down on the second day, it’s clear that the civic body is serious about tackling this issue and ensuring that builders take responsibility for reducing air pollution in the city.

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