Pune city police have been cracking down on foreign nationals who overstay their visas, with 105 individuals deported last year alone. The majority of those deported were Yemeni nationals who had originally entered India on medical visas. According to Pune Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar, many Yemeni citizens come to India for medical treatment but choose to stay after their visas expire.
In addition to Yemeni nationals, individuals from Uganda, Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Thailand were also deported for violating visa regulations. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Branch) Milind Mohite explained that many of these individuals lack essential documents and may be involved in illegal activities like drug trafficking.
To handle these cases, the police issue “Leave India” notices and work with embassies and consulates to facilitate the deportation process. Currently, there are over 145 foreign nationals still under process for deportation. Collaboration between local authorities and international consulates is crucial in ensuring that overstaying visitors comply with Indian laws.
It’s clear that the Pune police are taking a strong stance on visa violations and are working diligently to ensure that foreign nationals follow the rules while in India.
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