Hey Pune peeps, have you heard about the latest updates on the Kalyani Nagar Porsche incident? Turns out, before the minor accused tragically killed two young IT engineers, he was partying it up at two pubs in the area. The Pune Police have been busy interrogating 15 others who were with the boy at the party, and it seems like they all chipped in to cover the bill. The minor accused ended up paying the remaining Rs 48,000 – talk about a hefty tab!
The Juvenile Justice Board has decided to keep the minor accused in the Remand Home for Boys until 25th June, following the incident on 19th May where he hit two people on a two-wheeler while speeding through Kalyani Nagar. The police have not been taking any chances, and have even arrested the minor accused’s parents, along with several others involved in the case.
It seems like things took a wild turn when the minor accused’s blood samples were allegedly tampered with at Sassoon Hospital. The police have been digging deep, questioning hospital staff and getting statements from nurses. The Superintendent’s statement was recorded recently, shedding more light on the situation.
And if that wasn’t enough drama for you, there’s more! A rap video about the incident surfaced online, created by a content creator named Neekhra. Rumors were flying around that the rap was actually sung by the minor accused, but his mother set the record straight. The Cyber Police got involved and Neekhra, along with another individual who shared the video, were summoned for questioning. Looks like things are heating up in Pune – stay tuned for more updates on this case!
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