Big news coming out of Pune today as the District Collector has lifted the suspension on the liquor license for the popular 2BHK Dinner & Key Club. This decision comes after a directive from the Bombay High Court, and the owner, Dr. Heramb Shelke, is thrilled to announce that the club is now open for business once again.
This move has been met with relief from many in the food and beverage industry in Pune, who have been struggling due to similar license suspensions affecting over 70 clubs in the district. Some have even considered relocating their businesses to more supportive states like Goa, Bangalore, and Delhi.
The reinstatement of the 2BHK Club’s license is seen as a positive step towards reviving the hospitality sector in Pune and providing hope for other establishments still facing challenges. Industry professionals are optimistic that this decision will lead to a more favorable business environment in the city.
In related news, Adv Ajinkya Udane, Co-Chapter Head of NRAI Pune Chapter, emphasized the importance of urgently reinstating liquor licenses for all affected restaurants in order to support industry recovery following recent challenges.
Overall, this development marks a significant turning point in the ongoing saga of liquor license suspensions in Pune and offers a glimpse of hope for businesses and employees in the hospitality sector. Cheers to that!
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