Hey there, folks in Pune! It’s time to talk about a serious issue that’s been causing a lot of trouble for both the railways and passengers alike – unnecessary Alarm Chain Pulling (ACP).
The Pune Division, under the leadership of Divisional Railway Manager Rajesh Verma and Senior Divisional Security Commissioner Priyanka Sharma, is cracking down on this problem. The ACP handle is there for emergencies only, but some individuals seem to be using it without a valid reason.
In February 2025, a whopping 130 cases of ACP were reported in Pune Division, with 71 people getting arrested for misusing the alarm chain. These offenders had to cough up a total of ₹31,600 in fines.
So, what’s the big deal with pulling the alarm chain when there’s no emergency? Well, it causes delays in train operations, inconveniences passengers who are just trying to reach their destinations, and leads to revenue and punctuality losses for the Railways.
If you’re caught pulling the alarm chain without a good reason, be prepared to face the consequences. You could end up in legal trouble, with your journey getting interrupted for legal formalities.
The Central Railway administration in Pune Division is urging all passengers to use the ACP facility responsibly and only in genuine emergencies. Remember, misuse of the alarm chain will not be taken lightly, so let’s all do our part to keep the trains running smoothly.
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