Auto rickshaw drivers at Pune Railway Station have been causing chaos and discomfort for passengers due to ongoing disputes and obstruction. Complaints have been filed with various authorities, including the railway administration, city traffic police, and the Pune Regional Transport Office (RTO). Passengers are often aggressively approached by rickshaw drivers upon arrival, leading to confusion and frustration.

Physical altercations between prepaid and metered rickshaw drivers have also been on the rise, with several cases reported at the Bundgarden police station. Incidents of overcharging and even robbery have been reported, prompting calls for action to be taken.

The Indian Gig Workers Forum has highlighted the importance of the prepaid rickshaw system, which is being hindered by the actions of metered drivers. The Nationalist Rickshaw Association has also voiced its concerns and submitted a representation to local authorities.

Passengers are left feeling stressed and anxious due to the constant disputes and arguments among drivers outside the station. The RTO has acknowledged the issue and is working on finding a solution to ensure a smoother and safer experience for all at Pune Railway Station.

Both passengers and rickshaw drivers are eagerly awaiting a resolution to put an end to the chaos and make commuting easier and more convenient.

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