The damaged Air India plane that had been causing chaos at Pune airport has finally been moved to the Air Force premises, thanks to the swift action of Union Civil Aviation Minister Murlidhar Mohol. The plane had been occupying a parking bay for over a month, disrupting flight schedules and causing delays for passengers.

On May 17, the Air India flight bound for Delhi collided with a pushback tug vehicle, resulting in damage to the aircraft’s belly. Despite no injuries to passengers, the presence of the damaged plane at the airport was causing major issues, with one bay out of commission and increased pressure on the remaining bays.

After discussions with Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Minister Mohol was able to secure permission to relocate the aircraft within 24 hours. This move is expected to alleviate delays and restore normal operations at Pune airport.

Minister Mohol expressed gratitude to Defence Minister Singh for his quick decision, stating that the people of Pune will now experience relief from the disrupted schedule. With the damaged plane no longer occupying a bay, the airport can now operate more efficiently and effectively.

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