In a groundbreaking announcement, Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar has revealed plans to allocate a portion of District Planning Development Committees (DPDC) funds specifically for initiatives benefiting persons with disabilities (PwDs). This move aims to address the long-standing financial gaps in support for PwDs across all 36 districts in Maharashtra.

Previously, DPDC funds were allocated for various schemes, leaving PwDs without dedicated funds. However, Pawar’s directive will change this, ensuring that resources are directed towards the welfare of PwDs.

Additionally, Pawar has instructed officials to draft proposals for a 50% property tax concession for PwDs in the jurisdictions of PCMC, PMC, and PMRDA. These proposals will be submitted for potential Cabinet approval, further promoting inclusivity and accessibility for PwDs.

Furthermore, Pawar emphasized the need for accessible disability certification across sub-district hospitals. To address this, Sassoon General Hospital in Pune will soon be authorized to issue these certificates, making the process more convenient for PwDs.

The announcement was made during the inauguration of ‘Purple Jallosh 2025,’ a three-day event organized by PCMC to empower PwDs. The event features expos, panel discussions, a Solvathon initiative, and the participation of startups specializing in assistive technology, all aimed at fostering innovation and collaboration to support PwDs.

Overall, this initiative highlights Maharashtra’s commitment to supporting PwDs and promoting inclusivity and accessibility in development planning. By prioritizing the allocation of DPDC funds and implementing measures such as property tax concessions and improved disability certification processes, Maharashtra is setting an example for other states to follow in championing the rights and welfare of persons with disabilities.

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