Accidents in Pune have been a cause for concern recently, with Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar taking action to address the issue. Pawar has decided to transfer control of traffic signals in Pune from the PMC to the Pune Police. This move is aimed at improving maintenance and repairs of malfunctioning signals, as currently, around 50% of signals in the city are not functioning properly.
Pawar has directed all administrative departments to work together to prevent waterlogging and traffic congestion in Pune during the rainy season. He emphasized the importance of quick response to disaster sites, removal of dangerous hoardings, clearing of road encroachments, and cleaning of drains to ensure smooth traffic flow.
PMC Commissioner Dr Rajendra Bhosale provided updates on the city’s preparations, including the appointment of garbage cleaners, identification of water accumulation areas, cleaning of chambers, and removal of unauthorized advertisement hoardings. Measures are being taken to address citizen suggestions and provide additional funds for maintenance and improvements in each ward.
Overall, the focus is on enhancing coordination between various departments to tackle traffic and infrastructure issues in Pune, with plans for future budget allocations to address key areas of concern.
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