Ali Daruwala, a prominent BJP spokesperson and National Advisor to the National Commission for Minorities, was recently honored with the prestigious Lata Mangeshkar Award 2024 by the My Home India organization. The award ceremony took place during the event ‘Dil To Hai Dil’ in commemoration of the 124th birth anniversary of Deenanath Mangeshkar, the father of legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar.

At the event, which was held at Ganesh Kala Krida Manch and attended by nearly 3,000 people including members of the RSS and BJP, Ali Daruwala was recognized for his impactful contributions in various roles. These roles include being the spokesperson for the All India Petrol Dealers Association in New Delhi, a Senate Member of P.A. Inamdar University in Pune, and his work in promoting unity, minority representation, and public welfare.

During the event, speeches were given emphasizing the importance of cultural and social harmony, with Madhuri Misal praising Ali Daruwala for his dedication to these values. In his acceptance speech, Daruwala expressed gratitude for receiving an award associated with the iconic Lata Mangeshkar, dedicating it to his mentors and those who inspire him to work for the betterment of society.

The Lata Mangeshkar Award 2024 not only recognized Ali Daruwala’s contributions but also celebrated the values of unity, cultural heritage, and social responsibility. The event ‘Dil To Hai Dil’ served as a heartfelt tribute to the Mangeshkar family’s artistic legacy and a platform to honor leaders making meaningful contributions to society.

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