The incident involving Manorama Khedkar, mother of IAS probationary officer Puja Khedkar, has caused quite a stir in Aundh, Pune. A viral video from 2022 captures the heated altercation between Khedkar and the Pune Metro team along with the Pune Police.
The Khedkar family, residents of the lavish bungalow named Om Deep in National Housing society on Baner Road, found themselves in hot water when construction materials for the Pune Metro were placed on the footpath outside their property. Despite previous encroachment issues, Manorama Khedkar took it upon herself to confront the metro team, leading to a public argument and misbehavior.
The Pune Metro team wasted no time in reporting the incident to the Chaturshringi Police Station, prompting a swift response from the police officers. However, even with law enforcement present, Manorama Khedkar continued to argue, resulting in an unresolved situation.
In a statement to Punekar News, a senior police official emphasized that legal action would be taken if a formal complaint is filed and verified. The ongoing dispute between the Khedkar family, Pune Metro team, and police highlights the importance of following legal procedures in such matters to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
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