Apple is making a big move by starting to manufacture iPads in India soon. The tech giant had faced obstacles in the past with Chinese partner BYD, but now they are actively looking for a new local manufacturing partner. This shift is part of Apple’s plan to increase production in India in the coming years.
Initially, Apple had wanted to work with BYD to make iPads in India, but government approval issues got in the way. Now, the Indian government is working to support Apple’s expansion plans in the country, with hopes of Apple manufacturing laptops and desktops in the future.
Apple has been assembling iPhones in India since 2017 and plans to produce a quarter of its iPhones in the country within the next few years. This move is in line with Apple’s goal to diversify its manufacturing locations and reduce reliance on any one country.
Overall, Apple’s decision to manufacture iPads in India shows a shift in their production strategy, influenced by global changes and India’s growing importance in manufacturing. It also signals a larger commitment to the Indian market.
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