The aunt of the minor involved in the tragic hit-and-run case in Pune has filed a petition in the Bombay High Court, claiming that the police have unlawfully detained him and are intruding on her family’s privacy.

The incident, which occurred in Kalyani Nagar on May 19, involved the minor son of builder Vishal Agarwal driving his father’s Porsche under the influence of alcohol, resulting in the deaths of two IT engineers. The minor is currently held in an observation home, while his parents and others have been arrested for attempting to protect him.

The petition, heard by a bench of the High Court, alleged that the police are neglecting their investigation due to political interference and public unrest. The aunt argued that the Juvenile Justice Act has been violated and that the minor’s family has been unfairly portrayed in a negative light.

The petition called for the minor to be placed in the custody of a family member rather than being detained in an observation home, stating that it would be harmful to his well-being. The lawyer representing the aunt demanded the immediate release of the minor, while the Public Prosecutor representing the Pune Police contested the petition, asserting that the minor is in legal custody at the observation home.

The case continues to unfold as the legal battle intensifies.

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