Hey there, folks! It’s time for some dam news in Bhor taluka. The Bhatghar Dam, a relic from the British era, is making waves (literally) as it reaches 98% of its water storage capacity. The Water Resources Department recently put the dam’s 45 automatic gates to the test, under the expert guidance of Executive Engineer Digambar Dubal.

At the crack of dawn on Friday, the automatic gates were activated with a loud siren, and within minutes, all 45 gates were wide open, releasing a whopping 18,500 cusecs of water. These gates do their thing automatically when the dam is almost full, and they close up when the water level goes down. Pretty nifty, right?

Before the big test, Dubal and his team performed a ceremonial worship of the dam’s water. It’s always good to show some love to Mother Nature, after all. The dam, with a total capacity of 23.74 TMC, was nearly at full capacity by 1 PM on the same day.

The power generation station on the dam had already started churning out 1,750 cusecs of water into the Nira River a couple of days before the gate testing. And after the gates were shut, 3,403 cusecs of water were being released from the Nira-Deoghar Dam Power Station and the spillway in Bhor Taluka.

With all this water gushing out, the administration has issued alert warnings to villages along the Nira River. Some areas have already seen some serious rain this year, with Shirgaon getting a whopping 3,406 mm, Bhutonde with 3,324 mm, and Pangari with 2,948 mm.

Last year, the Bhatghar Dam hit full capacity in September. But thanks to the heavy rainfall this year, it’s almost there already. Filling up early means that residents won’t have to worry about water shortages in the summer. So, let’s raise a glass (of water) to a dam well done!

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