The pub culture in Pune has come under scrutiny once again, with BJP leader Dheeraj Ghate demanding its immediate elimination. Ghate expressed concerns over the negative impact of illegal activities associated with pubs on the city’s reputation and its residents. He called on the police to take decisive action to address these issues and warned of potential public protests if no action is taken.

Recent incidents, including a video showing drug use in a pub on Fergusson College Road, have raised alarm bells in Pune. Despite repeated directives from the state government, the lack of effective action by the police and administration has fueled frustration among residents. Ordinary citizens are bearing the brunt of the negative image cast upon the city, with some even considering relocating due to disturbances caused by nearby pubs.

Ghate highlighted the disparity in law enforcement, citing examples of stringent action taken against minor infractions during the Ganesh festival while pubs continue to operate unchecked. He also pointed out the inconsistency in addressing public concerns, such as stalls selling tobacco products to students.

The BJP leader called for swift action to eradicate the pub culture in Pune, emphasizing the need for a safer and more respectful community environment. His demands were supported by BJP officials and workers from Pune city, all echoing the call for a crackdown on illegal activities in pubs.

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