The recent Lok Sabha election results have caused a rift within the Mahayuti alliance, with NCP leader Ajit Pawar coming under fire from BJP members. The BJP has made it clear that they do not want to share power in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly if Ajit Pawar remains in the alliance.
In a gathering of BJP activists in Daund, Pune, a strong anti-Ajit Pawar sentiment was evident. Party workers expressed their dissatisfaction with Ajit Pawar, holding him responsible for their current situation. They believe that Ajit Pawar has used his authority as guardian minister to suppress BJP workers in the past.
The activists are demanding Ajit Pawar’s removal from Mahayuti, claiming that he has been unjust towards prominent BJP figures. They are adamant that they will not share power with him in the Legislative Assembly. The workers have made their stance clear with the slogan “Remove Ajit Pawar from Mahayuti.”
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