In a tragic turn of events, the body of a young female constable, identified as Anushka Suhas Kedar, was recovered by police after she ended her life by jumping into the Indrayani River. The 20-year-old constable, hailing from Laxminarayan Nagar in Dighi, was found at the riverbed in Golegaon on Wednesday.

According to police reports, Anushka committed suicide by jumping off the Garud poll of the new bridge on Sunday evening. She worked with the Pune Rural Police Force and was stationed at the Pune Rural Headquarters at the time of her death.

Prior to taking this drastic step, Anushka reportedly informed a friend in Dehu Phata, Alandi, about her intentions. Following her disappearance, a search operation was launched by the Alandi police, Alandi fire brigade team, and NDRF squad to locate her in the Indrayani River.

After days of intensive efforts, the authorities were able to locate Anushka’s body near Golegaon. The tragic incident has left the police force and community in shock, as they mourn the loss of a young and promising officer.

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