If you live in Pune or have been following the news lately, you might have heard about the recent ruling from the Bombay High Court regarding flood line demarcation in the city. A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed by concerned citizens Sarang Yadwadkar, Vivek Velankar, and Vijay Kumbhar, highlighting issues with the current flood line markings.
The court directed a comprehensive review of the flood line demarcation in Pune, taking into account factors that were previously overlooked. The study conducted by the Irrigation Department revealed critical oversights in the previous flood line markings, including the neglect of the free catchment area and failure to consider guidelines issued by MERI and an action plan by TERI.
To address these issues and ensure the safety of residents in urban areas like Pune, a five-member Supervisory Committee has been formed. This committee will be responsible for conducting a thorough review of flood line demarcation, preparing a blueprint, and determining the necessary resources to carry out the review.
The court has set a timeline for the committee’s formation and the completion of the review, with the next hearing scheduled for August 14, 2024. The State Government is expected to file an affidavit detailing compliance with the court’s orders by that date.
Overall, this ruling marks a significant step towards improving flood risk management in Pune and ensuring the safety and habitability of the city’s urban areas. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
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