Hey there, folks! Exciting news coming in from Pune today! The Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute (BORI) is making waves in the world of oriental studies with its latest move to enhance its online platform called ‘Bharatvidya’.

Seems like Maharashtra has been buzzing with queries about IKS course content in Marathi, and BORI is here to answer the call. They’re all set to launch a new course on ‘Bharatvidya.in’ that will offer lecture courses in Marathi. How cool is that?

The big announcement was made by Bhupal Patwardhan, the Chairman of the Executive Board of BORI, at a press conference held at the BORI Campus. Alongside him were Pradeep Rawat, trustee, Prof. Pradeep Apte, Vice Chairman of Regulatory Council, Dr. Gauri Moghe, Content Curator and Project Coordinator, and Chinmay Bhandari and Mithilesh Kulkarni from the Digital Initiatives Team of BORI.

According to Patwardhan, the response to BORI’s online initiatives during the pandemic was overwhelming, leading to the birth of ‘Bharatvidya’. This digital platform aims to share the knowledge accumulated by BORI over the past century with those who appreciate it. Currently, there are 14 courses available on the platform, with thousands of eager learners already enrolled.

Taking a cue from the National Education Policy 2020, which made an Indian Knowledge System course mandatory for undergraduate students, BORI initially launched the course in English. Over 10,000 students completed the course successfully. Now, they’re thrilled to introduce the IKS course in Marathi.

Rawat emphasized the significance of providing education in the mother language, aligning with the NEP’s guidelines. The IKS program in Marathi follows BORI’s tradition of meticulous research and evidence-based approach, offering lifetime access to the content at just Rs.1999 per person.

Apte shared that the course covers a range of topics related to the Indian Knowledge System, including Veda, Upanishad, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Indian Philosophy, Ancient Mathematics, and more. The program consists of 27 sessions, presented by renowned experts, and concludes with an evaluation through MCQs.

Dr. Moghe highlighted the cultural and knowledge-rich tradition that this IKS program aims to preserve, not just for academic credit but to instill pride in our heritage. The course features sessions by experts like Prof. Pradeep Apte, Dr. Mugdha Gadgil, and Dr. Vijaya Deshpande, among others.

Excitingly, several universities and educational institutions are in talks with BORI for collaboration to offer this course at the institute level. Institutions like Maharashtra Education Society and MIT World Peace University have already signed MoUs with BORI for this purpose.

So, if you’re keen to delve into the depths of Indian knowledge and culture in Marathi, keep an eye out for the launch of BORI’s IKS course on ‘Bharatvidya.in’. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with our rich heritage in your mother tongue! Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting development!

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