Thieves struck at the Tarakeshwar temple in Yerwada in the early hours of June 4, making off with around 2 lakh rupees from the donation boxes. The culprits tampered with the main temple door’s sliding lock to gain entry and broke six donation boxes inside the premises.
The incident was reported by Sudhir Vasantrao Wambure, a trustee of the temple and resident of Yerwada village. The Yerawada police have launched an investigation into the theft, with a team including Police Inspector Santosh Patil, Assistant Commissioner Aarti Bansode, and Deputy Commissioner Vijaykumar Magar inspecting the crime scene.
CCTV footage from the temple is being analyzed by the police in their efforts to track down the thieves. Senior Inspector Swapnil Patil has been assigned to lead further investigation into the burglary at the Tarakeshwar Temple, located on Parnakuti Hill across Bund Garden in Yerwada.
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