In a heartbreaking turn of events in Hadapsar, Pune, a young brother is accused of taking the life of his own sister. 18-year-old Sharikh Suleman Ansari reportedly strangled his 16-year-old sister, Safiya Suleman Ansari, following a heated argument.

The police revealed that Safiya had been battling mental health issues, which may have contributed to the tense situation between the siblings. The fatal altercation took place on June 17, and Sharikh confessed to the crime after the police discovered Safiya’s body hanging in an attempt to hide the evidence.

Sharikh has been taken into custody, and authorities are delving deeper into the circumstances surrounding this tragic incident. The residents of Vaiduwadi area in Hadapsar are left in shock and disbelief over the loss of a young life in such a horrific manner.

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