As the Dhamma Chakra Pravartan Day approaches, the Central Railway has stepped up to meet the increased travel demand with the introduction of special trains between Pune and Nagpur. This move comes in anticipation of the large number of devotees expected to attend the anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s conversion to Buddhism.

The special train services will run on October 11 and 12, providing a convenient option for those making the journey to Nagpur for the significant event. With key stops along the route, including Wardha, Akola, and Jalgaon, passengers from various parts of Maharashtra will have easy access to transportation.

Given the expected high demand for these special trains, passengers are advised to book their tickets early to secure their seats. This proactive approach will not only guarantee a spot on board but also ensure a smooth and hassle-free travel experience to Nagpur.

The Central Railway’s efforts to accommodate the increased travel demand for Dhamma Chakra Pravartan Day demonstrate their commitment to serving passengers during important cultural and religious events. By continuing the tradition of providing special train services for such occasions, the railway authorities aim to make the journey as convenient and comfortable as possible for all travelers.

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