Pune was hit by heavy rains, breaking a 32-year record with 114.1 mm of rainfall in a single day. This has caused widespread disruption and many people are now homeless due to water entering their homes. Residents and the opposition are blaming the government for the situation.
Former Guardian Minister of Pune and Higher and Technical Education Minister, Chandrakant Patil, visited Pune to assess the flood situation. He mentioned a World Bank project worth Rs 10,000 crore to address the issue and divert water overflow to drought-affected areas.
Patil denied allegations of sudden dam discharge without public notification, attributing the crisis to unauthorized construction and drains in the riverbed. He criticized the opposition for hindering relief efforts.
Water release from Khadakwasla Dam has been reduced to 13,000 cusecs from 31,000 cusecs as rain stopped in the area. Ekta Nagar on Sinhagad Road is still facing power outages and a lack of drinking water, causing significant hardship for residents.
Pune Municipal Corporation is sending cleaning staff to affected areas now that the water has receded. Experts are being called upon to assess the impact of river improvement projects on the flooding situation in Pune.
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