State Minister Chandrakant Patil has pledged his support to the Umed Foundation’s Balak Palak project in Pune. He commended the efforts of Sandeep Khardekar and his wife Manjushri Khardekar for their social work and creative initiatives.
Speaking at a recent event celebrating Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis’s birthday, Minister Patil praised Sandeep Khardekar for his innovative programs and dedication to helping those in need. He also highlighted the important role of Manjushri Khardekar in supporting her husband’s philanthropic work.
The Umed Foundation, which provides care for special children, received essential items for three months at the event. The foundation has acquired land in Paud for their Balak Palak project, which aims to support children with special needs.
Patil expressed his commitment to assisting the foundation with all available resources and praised the inclusion of parents in the project. Sandeep Khardekar emphasized the importance of supporting organizations that help special children and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference on DyCM Devendra Fadanvis’s birthday.
The event was attended by various notable figures, including Dr. Sandeep Butala, Swati Mohol, Sitaram Khade, Sumit Dikonda, Seema Dabke, and Umed Foundation’s President Rakesh Sanas. Manjushri Khardekar and Rakesh Sanas played key roles in organizing and facilitating the program, highlighting the challenges faced by families caring for special children.
Overall, the event showcased the dedication of individuals like Sandeep Khardekar and organizations like the Umed Foundation in supporting children with special needs and promoting inclusivity in society.
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