The ongoing heavy rain in Pune has wreaked havoc on travel plans for passengers flying to and from Pune Airport. Flights have been delayed, rerouted, and some passengers have faced challenges reaching the airport due to waterlogging and heavy traffic congestion in the city.
Airlines are urging passengers to arrive at the airport two to three hours before their scheduled departure times in light of the adverse weather conditions. The Airport Authority of India (AAI) has acknowledged the delays and diversions caused by the rain, apologizing for any inconvenience to passengers.
Commuters traveling to Pune Airport on Sunday encountered heavy traffic congestion on Airport Road, with reports of significant delays. Major waterlogging near the airport and in surrounding areas worsened the situation, leading to frustration among travelers.
In response to the challenges faced by passengers, airlines like Vistara have advised customers to allow extra time for their journey to Pune Airport to avoid missing flights. Planning ahead and ensuring sufficient travel time is crucial during inclement weather conditions to minimize disruptions to travel plans.
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