It’s been a chilly few days in Pune, with cloudy skies bringing a cool breeze to the city. Over the past two days, temperatures have been all over the place. In Haveli taluka, the minimum temperature went up by 1°C-2°C, hitting 13.6°C on Sunday. Meanwhile, Shivajinagar saw a low of 15.5°C.
The weather in Pune and nearby areas has been a mix of cold and cloudy lately. While the temperature only dropped to 9°C a few times, the usual bone-chilling cold has been missing. Some neighborhoods like NDA, Pashan, Aundh, Warje, Kothrud, and Shivajinagar saw a slight decrease in temperatures, while others had milder conditions. In the last day, the minimum temperature dropped by 1°C-3°C, ranging from 10°C to 13°C, with the high hitting 20°C.
Despite the slight increase, the cloudy weather kept things cool in some parts of the city. The Pune Division of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) is predicting dry weather and clear skies, with some clouds expected in the afternoons for the next four days.
Here are the minimum temperatures recorded in various areas:
– Haveli and NDA: 13.6°C
– Lonavala: 14.7°C
– Shivajinagar: 15.5°C
– Pashan: 15.6°C
– Daund: 16.3°C
– Bhor: 16.4°C
– Baramati: 16.8°C
– Rajgurunagar: 17.3°C
– Koregaon Park: 18.5°C
– Magarpatta: 19.2°C
So, grab your jackets and enjoy the cool weather while it lasts in Pune!
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