In a tragic incident that shook the nation, two tech professionals from Madhya Pradesh, Ashwini Koshta and Anish Awadhiya, lost their lives in a Porsche accident in Pune. Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde recently reached out to the families of the victims to offer his condolences and assure them that justice will be served.

The families of Ashwini and Anish are preparing to perform the ‘terahwi’ (13th day ritual) on Sunday, as a Maharashtra government official visited Ashwini’s family in Jabalpur to facilitate a call with CM Shinde. The Chief Minister also sent his Officer on Special Duty (OSD) to pay tributes and assure the families that a thorough investigation will be conducted.

Ashwini’s father, Suresh Koshta, expressed satisfaction with the Maharashtra Police’s investigation and emphasized the importance of swift justice. He believes that the charges should be filed soon and the case should be heard in a fast-track court to set an example for others. Similarly, Anish’s father, Om Awadhiya, received support from Shiv Sena state president Thaneshwar Mahawar, who helped facilitate a conversation with CM Shinde.

Both families have been assured by the Chief Minister that the guilty parties will face the strictest punishment and that the Maharashtra government stands with them in their pursuit of justice. The tech professionals were tragically run over by a Porsche allegedly driven by a drunk juvenile in Kalyaninagar, highlighting the importance of road safety and responsible driving.

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