Pune is making headlines once again, but this time for the commendable efforts of Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar. Chief Minister Eknath Shinde has praised Kumar for his strong stance against hooliganism and drug peddling in the city.
Shinde spoke highly of Kumar’s measures to reduce hooliganism, stating that he has instructed the police commissioner to use bulldozers to demolish any establishments near colleges found selling drugs. The chief minister also emphasized the importance of identifying, arresting, and imprisoning drug peddlers and their suppliers.
According to Shinde, Pune police have already taken action on these directives, but the drive to eradicate drugs from the city must continue until the goal is achieved. Similar actions are being taken across the state to address these issues.
In a recent media address, Police Chief Amitesh Kumar reiterated the department’s commitment to maintaining law and order in Pune. He warned individuals involved in illegal activities that exemplary action will be taken against them and urged the public to avoid engaging in activities that disrupt the peace of the city.
With the government’s support and the dedicated efforts of law enforcement, Pune is on the path to becoming a safer and drug-free city. Kudos to Commissioner Amitesh Kumar for leading the charge against hooliganism and drug peddling in Pune!
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