The disability community in Pune is up in arms over allegations of fake disability certificates being used to secure government jobs. It all started with reports of IAS officer Puja Khedkar allegedly using such means to land her civil service position. This has prompted a group of physically disabled individuals to reach out to the Commissioner of Persons with Disabilities, Pune, urging an investigation into both the individuals and the doctors involved in issuing these certificates.

Commissioner Pravin Kundlik Puri wasted no time and has requested Pune Police Commissioner Amitesh Kumar to conduct a thorough inquiry and take necessary actions as per the law. Activists such as Rafiq Khan, Dharmendra Satav, Akash Kumbhar, Vishnu Gundal, and Sunanda Bamhane have also joined the cause, meeting with Pune’s Joint Commissioner of Police to demand a proper investigation.

Rafiq Khan, speaking to Punekar News, expressed frustration over government officials asking for evidence when approached about the issue. The activists have submitted letters to the police, stressing the importance of uncovering the truth and taking appropriate action under the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act of 2016 and other relevant policies.

The spotlight is on Puja Khedkar, a trainee IAS officer from the 2023 batch, with questions swirling around her alleged visual impairment and mental illness claims. Her reported evasion of mandatory medical tests has raised doubts about the legitimacy of her disability assertions. A committee appointed by the central government is now looking into whether Khedkar exploited disability and reservation quotas to secure her position.

The disability community in Pune is determined to get to the bottom of this issue and ensure that justice is served. Stay tuned for further updates as this story unfolds.

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