The much-anticipated missing link project on the Yashwantrao Chavan Expressway, aimed at reducing travel time between Mumbai and Pune, is facing a revised completion deadline of May 2025. The project, divided into two phases, involves the construction of eight lanes, tunnels, and viaducts to offer an alternative alignment that bypasses the ghat section known for landslides and traffic congestion.

While Phase 1’s tunnelling work is nearly complete, challenges in constructing the viaducts have caused delays. The project, with a budget of Rs 6,695 crore, aims to shorten the journey from Khopoli to Sinhgad Institute near Lonavala by over 6km, reducing travel time by at least 25 minutes. Commuters are concerned about ongoing traffic congestion on the expressway and anticipate further delays due to the project’s complexities.

Despite setbacks related to land acquisition, approvals, and engineering challenges, officials remain committed to completing the project to improve connectivity between Mumbai and Pune. Upon completion, the project is expected to ease congestion on the expressway and enhance travel efficiency for commuters.

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